Thank you for reading. As always, feel free to call my office by phone (512-463-0661) or email District130.Oliverson@house.
Here is what we have been up to these past few weeks in Austin and House District 130.
Texans Deserve Property Tax Relief
Texas currently has the seventh highest local property taxes in the nation. This critical issue has been impacting Texans for years, and my proposed legislation would tackle high property tax bills. HB 122 is a solution to fix high property taxes by buying down maintenance and operations (M&O) property taxes using surplus state funds. One of the largest portions of your property taxes is from school districts. This bill would require that the state limit the increase of general revenue-related funds per biennium and use 90% of the resulting surplus to buy down school districts property taxes. The money from the general revenue fund may only be used by the Texas Education Agency solely for providing property tax relief. My solution would continue to fund schools, lower property taxes and limit the growth of government. It’s time to give Texans a break from high property taxes and pass HB 122.
Governor Abbott Calls 2nd Special Session
After 30 days of the first special session, where we accomplished nothing due to the democrats walk- out, Governor Abbott called a second special session beginning on Saturday, August 8th. While me and other Republican colleagues showed up ready to serve the people of Texas yet again, many Democrats were still running from their responsibilities. This irresponsible act by the Democrats forced Speaker Phelan to place another call on the house, and demanded they return to the House at once under threat of arrest. Finally, on August 19th we established a quorum and are working on passing important legislation. I am grateful for the Speaker’s leadership and his willingness to get back to work.
Education in Action Brings Students from District 130
As the new school year gets underway, I want to wish all students and teachers a safe and wonderful year. Over the summer, my staff and I have had the pleasure to meet a few students from the district who got a unique opportunity to visit the State Capitol with Education In Action. These students were nominated by their teachers to get an exclusive tour of the Capitol and visit my office. We had an excellent time meeting and learning about them. Team Oliverson wishes you all the best!