I hope your year is off to a wonderful start! With the 88th Legislative Session kicking off last month, Team Oliverson has been busy making sure we do our best to represent District 130 in Austin! In this edition of the Capitol Update, you can read about:
- 31 Days into the 88th
- Texas Association of Community Health Centers Conference
- Healthcare Think Tank Panel
- Events Around HD 130
31 Days into the 88th
I want to thank the people of District 130 for once again placing your trust in me to represent you in Austin during the 88th Legislative Session. It was a great honor to be sworn in for my fourth term on January 10th, 2023. The Tomball Chamber of Commerce made the trip to the Capitol on opening day and helped start the session off on a great note. During this session, I continue to advocate for District 130 and hope you will reach out to our office with any questions, comments, or concerns.
Health Texas Association of Community Health Centers Conference
Earlier this month, I had the honor of speaking at the 40th Annual Conference of the Texas Association of Community Health Centers (TACHC). In our area, two community health centers—TOMAGWA and Spring Branch Community Health Center—serve our community and provide comprehensive, high-quality health care health care services that are culturally competent, linguistically appropriate and client-driven. I want to give my thanks to these great community partners and thank TACHC for inviting me to speak at their conference. Senator Johnson, Representative Howard and I were able to discuss our legislative priorities this session, and I had the opportunity to meet with constituents involved with bettering the health of our community.
Healthcare Think Tank Panel
On January 25th, I spoke at a Healthcare Think Tank panel with a panel of legislators who are experts in health care. We discussed top healthcare priorities for the session, including access to care and the ever-increasing cost of healthcare. Senator Johnson and I spoke about our exciting Healthy Food is Good Medicine bill, which emphasizes disease prevention through healthy foods. I also had the pleasure of touring the innovative MedtoMarket medical training facility with Dr. Aaron Ali, Co-founder and CEO. It was wonderful to see medical innovation being brought to market.
Thank you to Healthcare Think Tank for inviting me to speak at your event!
Events around HD 130
As always, it has been a busy few weeks around District 130!
At the January Luncheon of Cy-Fair Houston Chamber of Commerce, Austin Bleess was inducted as the 2023 Chairman of the Board. Three new board members, Dr. Sonal Tuljapurkar, Jenny Normand, and Dawn Tryon were inducted.
I want to offer my congratulations to the winners of the 47th Annual FFA Project Show. Wonderful job Avery Hyden, Tyler Holub, Avery Tobola, Brynn Kujath, Aaron Bulclac, and Layla Nunez on your winning rabbits, broilers, and turkeys!
Congratulations to Tomball Memorial High School Cheer who won the UIL State Spirit Championship for the Division 6A-D!
45 CFISD high school music students were awarded honors through the Texas Music Educators Association All-State choir ensembles.
As always, feel free to call my office by phone at (512) 463-0661 or email District130.Oliverson@House.Texas.Gov to share any comments or concerns you may have. If you have a question about a particular bill that passed this session, please do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you for giving me the chance to serve as your State Representative in 2022 and for placing your trust in me to continue doing so in the future.
God bless,
Dr. Tom Oliverson
Republican State Representative
House District 130